Daniel A. Hoyt & Kellie Wells
This month at the Taproom, join us for a special evening of fiction, featuring two exciting visiting writers. The event will be the Lawrence, KS, book release for Kellie Wells' latest novel,
Fat Girl, Terrestrial, which happens to be set in the fair state of Kansas, and a welcome back party for Daniel Hoyt, a former Lawrence resident.
Daniel A. Hoyt's first short story collection,
Then We Saw the Flames, won the Juniper Prize for Fiction and was published by UMass Press. His work has also appeared or is forthcoming in
The Kenyon Review,
Missouri Review,
Gettysburg Review, and other literary journals. Dan received his Ph.D. at KU but teaches and currently directs the creative writing program at Kansas State University. He misses the Taproom, the Raven, Tennessee Street, La Parrilla, and the jukebox at Harbour Lights.
Kellie Wells is the author of a collection of short fiction,
Compression Scars, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award, and a novel,
Skin. She received the Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award and the GLCA New Writers Award for Fiction, and her novel chapter "Rabbit Catcher of Kingdom Come” was chosen by Kevin Brockmeier for inclusion in the 2010 Best American Fantasy anthology. Her second novel,
Fat Girl, Terrestrial, will be published this fall by FC2. She received MFAs in poetry and fiction from the University of Montana and the University of Pittsburgh and a doctorate in creative writing and literature from Western Michigan University. She teaches in the Program in Creative Writing at the University of Alabama and in the low-residency MFA program at Pacific University.