Lesley Owens, Kevin Rabas, Leah Sewell,
and Jeff Tigchelaar
+ Open Mic
5pm Sunday August 11th
August's reading will feature four fantastic Kansas poets--Lesley Owens (Lawrence), Kevin Rabas (Emporia), Leah Sewell (Topeka), and Jeff Tigchelaar (Lawrence)! The featured readers will follow an open mic session, so bring your best work to share. As always, there will be a merch table, so please support our readers by buying their books.
Lesley Owens, a native of Kansas City, aspired at an early age to be an opera singer because she thought that being a writer was too glamorous and unreachable a goal. At a less early age, upon realizing that she didn’t understand what “in key” meant, she changed her mind. She earned an MFA at Penn State before moving to Lawrence where she tends a small herd of cats, works at KU, and does her best to live undetected as a faux townie. Her poems have appeared most recently in Snowy Egret and The Sierra Nevada Review.
Leah Sewell is an assistant editor at Coconut Books, an MFA candidate at the University of Nebraska, and a book designer, poet, chef and mother. Her work has appeared in such publications as [PANK], Midwestern Gothic and Weave Magazine and was nominated for a Pushcart in 2012. Her chapbook, Birth in Storm was the 2013 winner of the Emerge Publications Chapbook Competition.