Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Inside the Castle Feature

6pm Sunday, March 17th
Decade (920 Delaware St, Lawrence, KS)

Our March reading features the local small press Inside the Castle. Mike Kleine, JoAnna Novak, and Lawrence's own Candice Wuehle will read from their new books, all of which will be available for sale. This special St Gertrude's Day reading will also feature a themed open mic in honor of St Gertrude: So bring your best St Gertrude poem to share! Please note: We're trying out a new later time and a new accessible location, so be sure to double check the details.

A little about Inside the Castle: "Our books are unique from one another but share a vision, that literature is not representational but incantatory, that books are objects that exist much like other objects in your life and home, only they have additional dimensions, not dimensions separate or distant from the ones you occupy, but involuted dimensions that only become apparent when you reach out to them."

And our featured readers:

Mike Kleine is the author of Lonely Men Club and other texts. He grew up in West Africa and graduated from Grinnell College with a BA in French Literature. He currently lives in the Midwest.

JoAnna Novak is the author of the novel I Must Have You and the book-length poem Noirmania. Her writing has appeared in publications including The Paris Review, The New York Times, the Washington Post, BOMB, Slate, and Guernica. She is a founding editor of Tammy, a literary journal and chapbook press.

Candice Wuehle is the author of the full-length collection BOUND (Inside the Castle Press, August 2018) and the chapbooks VIBE CHECK (Garden-door Press, 2017), EARTH*AIR*FIRE*WATER*ÆTHER (Grey Books Press, 2015) and curse words: a guide in 19 steps for aspiring transmographs, (Dancing Girl Press, 2014). Poems from her collection in progress, DEATH INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, appear in Best American Experimental Writing 2020, Black Warrior Review, The Bennington Review, and The New Delta Review. She is originally from Iowa City, Iowa and is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Candice currently resides in Lawrence, Kansas where she is a Chancellor’s Fellow at The University of Kansas.