Siobhán Scarry, Kyle Schlesinger, and James Yeary
5pm Sunday, January 25th
Siobhán Scarry is the author of Pilgrimly (Parlor Press, 2014). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Colorado Review, jubilat, Mid-American Review, Malahat Review, and New Letters, among other journals. She earned an MFA from the University of Montana and recently completed a PhD at SUNY Buffalo. She also publishes critical work; recent articles investigate the poetics of George Oppen and Robert Duncan. She is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at Bethel College, near Wichita, Kansas.

James Yeary is a poet living in Portland, Oregon. Since 2008, he has been collaborating with visual artist Nate Orton and poet Chris Ashby on a series of self-published books called my day, expressionist and phenomenological investigations of familiar places. His press, c_L Books, issues handmade books of experimental poetry. Tenth Spectral Cannon was published by Hank's Original Loose Gravel in 2012. He works with adventurous booksellers.