Monday, February 23, 2015

Jessica Comola, Tim Earley, and Candice Wuehle

Jessica Comola, Tim Earley, and Candice Wuehle
5pm Sunday, March 8th

Jessica Comola co-hosts the Trobar Ric Reading Series from Oxford, MS. Her first full-length book, Everything We Met Changed Form and Followed the Rest, will be published by Caketrain this fall. Her chapbook, What Kind of Howly Divine, came out from Horseless Press in 2014. Other recent work has appeared in jubilat, Caketrain, Smoking Glue Gun, Dreginald and Tenderloin.

Tim Earley is the author of three collections of poems, Boondoggle, The Spooking of Mavens, and Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery (Horse Less Press, 2014), along with the chapbooks Catfish Poems (Delete Press, 2013) and The Center Is Barbaric The Periphery Is Without Lights (DoubleCross Press, forthcoming). Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Sprung Formal, No Infinite, Gobbet, Typo, Sink Review, and the Hick Poetics Anthology (Lost Roads Press, 2015). He is an English instructor at the University of Mississippi. He is currently at work on a fourth book of poems, Malcolm Canmore/After Whiteface.

Candice Wuehle is the author of curse words: a guide in 19 steps for aspiring transmographs (Dancing Girl Press, 2014) and EARTH*AIR*FIRE*WATER*ÆTHER (Grey Book Press, coming soon). Some of her poems are in The Volta, The Colorado Review or PRELUDE, among others. She lives, reviews, studies and also edits for Beecher’s Magazine in Lawrence, Kansas.